But, what happens is if you try to apply the right-hand rule but exchange the roles of A and B, then you will either injure yourself, or your thumb will end up pointing in the opposite direction. 但是,神奇的是,如果你还想用右手定则,却换了A和B的位置,如果你没有把自己弄残,那就是你的大拇指,肯定指反了方向。
Well, there is something called the right-hand rule What does the right-hand rule say? 这里有一个右手定则,右手定则是如何规定的呢?
And, according to the right-hand rule, they would be spinning, by our convention, anticlockwise. 并且由右手定律我们知道,按惯例,它们是在逆时针自旋。
And some of them might be spinning clockwise, in which case, according to the right-hand rule we would consider them spin-down. 而另一些电子则是在顺时针自旋,在这种情况下,根据右手定理,我们会以为它是在向下转。
You must work* if you use the right-hand corkscrew rule make sure you work with the right-handed coordinate system. 如果你想使用。,螺旋锥法则,必须保证自己是,在用右手坐标系。
If you walk clockwise, you will see that the surface is to your left or use the right-hand rule. 如果沿顺时针方向走,就会发现这个曲面在左方,或者用右手定则来判断。
A magnetic field exerts a force on a current-carrying wire according to the familiar right-hand rule. 根据「手定则」磁场会对通有电流的电线施力。
Importing the geometry character of the triangular mode by the right-hand rule; 对圆形区域法进行改进,以右手螺旋法则构造三角形模式的几何特征;
An algorithm is proposed to identify the edge of the routing hole using right-hand rule. 针对路由洞问题,首先提出了采用右手规则确定路由洞的位置和洞的边界节点的算法。